Today, we must work together to combat climate change effectively
Individual and collective actions are inseparable and indispensable. To have a real impact, it is essential to combine these two levels of commitment. We remain convinced that it is important for everyone to act at their own level, and as far as possible in line with their convictions. However, we believe that collective action is essential: it has a greater impact and can drive deeper and more sustainable social change.
This is why we must dare to go further and cooperate to prepare for adaptation to climate change. We wish to participate in the creation of new editions of the Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat (Business Convention for the Climate, CEC) together with actors from the Auvergne Rhône Alpes regions in order to involve other companies in this struggle. At the same time, we are acting as part of Outdoor Sports Valley (OSV) to mobilise a growing number of members in this transition.
Our goal is therefore to increase our climate shadow. This shadow, which measures the global impact of an individual or an organisation, “stretches out” behind us by taking into account all the (negative) impacts linked to our lifestyles, travel or activities, but also the (positive) impacts of our commitments and efforts to fight the climate crisis.
In other words, the climate shadow is the extension of the carbon footprint to all our indirect impacts. This innovative concept deserves to be much better known, as it allows us to assess the relevance of our actions and the consequences of our influence.